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Planning to Import Food Products in India: Know these 10 key points about FSSAI Importer License

Planning to Import Food Products in India: Know these 10 key points about FSSAI Importer License

The food business in India is taking new turns with increasing international trade. The import of food products is increasing rapidly with major food brands from around the globe interested in the Indian market. However, the entry into the Indian market is not so simple. One of the major requirements for the import of any […]

The food business in India is taking new turns with increasing international trade. The import of food products is increasing rapidly with major food brands from around the globe interested in the Indian market. However, the entry into the Indian market is not so simple. One of the major requirements for the import of any food products or ingredients into India is the FSSAI Importer License.  The FSSAI Importer license is required for the purpose of traceability. It also helps in the entry of only safe and quality products in India.

Listed below are the 10 important features of FSSAI Importer License:

  1. Central authority issue FSSAI Importer license as FSSAI Central License for importer kind of business.
  2. The basic need to perform an import-export business in India i.e. Import-Export Certificate (IEC) Code is also a basic requirement to obtain FSSAI Importer License.
  3. The information from IEC Certificate is directly extracted from the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) server by FSSAI for the Importer license requirement.
  4. A food business operator requires and can only apply for one FSSAI Importer license, which is applicable to all the premises or warehouses listed in the IEC Certificate document.
  5. An FBO prefers to get the FSSAI Importer license for the Head Office/Registered office premise. This requires an addition of Head office/ registered office kind of business in the license (applicable only in case of Food business operating in more than one state with the same name of company or organization).
  6. FSSAI importer license can be used to import any food product or ingredient which is approved as per the Food Safety and Standards Regulations or have obtained the non-specified food or ingredient approval from FSSAI.
  7. FSSAI Importer license can be applied for a period ranging from one to five years. After that importers can file application for renewal of FSSAI Importer license.
  8. The government fee for FSSAI Central license for Importer kind of business is Rs. 7500 per year.
  9. The importers are also required to submit an annual return for their FSSAI Importer license to the FSSAI central authority.
  10. It is the responsibility of the Food Business operator to make sure that the Food products being imported to India follow the Food Safety and Standard Regulations of India.

Many individuals and organizations in India are exploring the food products and ingredients from around the world for import into India. Some businesses also import the ingredients and other raw material for use in their own food industries. All these food business operators (FBOs) are required to have the FSSAI importer License.

For more information on FSSAI Importer license, Import Export Code (IEC) Certificate and food import help, write to us at:

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