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FSSAI Standards for Garlic (Lahsun)

FSSAI Standards for Garlic (Lahsun)

Garlic is a strong-smelling, pungent-tasting herb which is used in cuisines all over the world. The magic herb has been known to have curative properties for more than 3,000 years. A report in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Research shows that while one clove per day may bring a vast improvement in overall health. Even in World War I, doctors used garlic juice […]

Garlic is a strong-smelling, pungent-tasting herb which is used in cuisines all over the world. The magic herb has been known to have curative properties for more than 3,000 years. A report in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Research shows that while one clove per day may bring a vast improvement in overall health. Even in World War I, doctors used garlic juice as an antiseptic for treating war wounds.


What research says about Garlic?

Oral administration of garlic has been studied for its benefits on cardiovascular health. The health benefits of garlic are due to the presence of Alicin. Apart from cardiovascular benefits, garlic also supports the immune system.

 Nutritional Benefits of Garlic:

Garlic is rich in minerals like phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, and iron as well as trace minerals like iodine, sulphur and chlorine. USDA National Nutrient Database says Garlic is a source of vitamins like folate, thiamine, niacin, and vitamin C, A, K, and B6. To get the full nutritional benefits of Garlic we need to buy them fresh and free from any contamination. For these reasons, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) came out with standards in the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011.

Dried /Dehydrated Garlic (Lahsun) is the product made by drying of Garlic by any suitable method. The drying method should retain the characteristics of fresh Garlic on rehydration of the cloves of garlic (Allium sativum L.) without bleaching or precooking. The colour of Garlic should be white to pale cream, free from scorched, toasted and baked particles. It should be whole, sliced, quarters, pieces, flakes, kibbled, granules or powdered. The product on rehydration shall have characteristic pungent of an odour of garlic, free from off odour, mustiness fermentation, and rancidity. Garlic should be free from mould, living and dead insects, insect fragments, rodent contamination and fungal infection. The products shall be free from any added colouring agents and any other harmful substances. It should be free from peels, stalks, stems, and extraneous matter. Garlic Powder should be free-flowing and free from any agglomerates.

Garlic Herb
Garlic Herb

FSSAI Standards of Garlic:

1. Extraneous matter Not more than 0.5 %
2. Moisture

a. In case of powdered garlic

b. Other than powdered garlic


Not more than 5.0 % by weight

Not more than 8.0 % by weight

3. Total ash on a dry basis Not more than 5.0 % by weight
4. Ash insoluble in dilute HCL Not more than 0.5% by weight
5. Cold water soluble extract on a dry basis Not less than 70.0 % and more than 90.0
6. Volatile organic sulphur compound on a dry basis Not less than 0.3 % by weight
7. Peroxidase test Negative

To get maximum nutritional benefits and flavour, always buy fresh garlic and avoid the ones where the skin is broken. Store fresh garlic in either an uncovered or a loosely covered container in a cool, dark place away from exposure to heat and sunlight. This will help maintain its maximum freshness and help prevent sprouting, which reduces its flavour and causes excess waste. It is not necessary to refrigerate garlic. Some people freeze peeled garlic; however, this process reduces its flavour profile and changes its texture.


1.Compendium_Food_Additives_Regulations_29_03_2019 (1).pdf. Available at:…/Compendium_Food_Additives_Regulations_29_03_2019.pdf.Accessible on: 29.05.2019

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